Sunday, January 10, 2010


I am self hijacking this blog for a few reasons. Facebook has reared it ugly head, and I have found myself posting things that I am cooking. This has led to some (I wish I could say several, but I am in a truthful mode tonight) requests for pictures, recipes, motivation and explanation. This is to be the forum for meeting said requests.

The other kernal of fun for all of this is a challenge that was laid down last Friday Happy Hour. (Thankfully no pics) I am on the hook to cook a Super-Bowl dinner with the menu dictated by the teams playing. For instance, earlier tonight my beloved Patriots had a (admittedly slim) chance at the Super-Bowl and would have brought New England Clam Chowder to the table. Baltimore is still in it and I am looking for a good CrabCake recipe (that and some lake trout).

When I was informed that the Cowboys were the second winners last night my initial (and vocal) thought was Oooooo, BBQ is still in.

So, readers; I hope to have pictures, recipes, anecdotes and dinners up until the Super-Bowl at least.

I will be using the Mrs. (that is the wife) as one of my football experts. That being said, any and all mistakes to follow are mine and mine alone.

So saddle up food lovers, it is time for a culinary rodeo.

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